N-glycan Release Internal QC

Due to a lack of tools, the effectiveness of an N-glycan release has been frequently ignored. We have developed a new approach to quantify the effectiveness of N-glycan release across various mammalian samples. Our standards, tentatively named N-glycan Release Internal QC, are added immediately before digestion. Their unique construction enables the release efficiency to be directly determined by downstream data analysis of the final sample data.

Reveal new insights into your analytical workflow effectiveness with the Protea Glycosciences N-glycan Release Internal QC standard

Our Release Internal QC standard was developed with a few key parameters:

  • No interference between the release QC glycans and mammalian glycan samples
  • Compatible with popular glycan release methods including PNGase-F
  • Liberates easily from glycoconjugate, enabling insights especially for incomplete digestions

Confirmation our N-glycan Release Internal QC standard does not interfere with mammalian glycosylation, and the QC N-glycan signals can be cleanly extracted
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